Monday 16 April 2012

M Is For Moogikal Music

Darn, I need some of you to skip a day so I can catch up. (Don't do that I'm only kidding.)

This week will be all about our passions; what drives us, what scares us and anything in the middle.

Today is music.

I like all kinds of Moogikal genres: Rap, Country, Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Rock and Gospel. As long as it speaks to me. Some folks like the artist (and that's fine) but I enjoy the song.

Here are some of the music I love, both old and new.

Justin Timberlake has some amazing music. This is My Love.

Some of the best voices in the biz, corsets and diamonds? What's not to love about Moulin Rouge.

You know you listen to this in your car. :D

Eminem's epic comeback with Rhianna. 

 It's a girly song but you can't deny her ability to tell a story with a beginning, middle and end. 

Britany Spears at her hottest!

The sickest track you'll ever hear. EVA!

This is just 0.5% of the artist I listren to. I seriously like anything that sings to me.

So, what are your favorite Moogikal kinds of music?


ryan field said...

My taste in music is so across the board. I like rap as much as country. Like you said, it has to do something to me.

Sara said...

I'm all over the place with Music too, I think it depends on what I'm doing.

I love to listen to hip hop when I'm driving short distances. If I'm driving for more than 2 hours, I like show tunes and alliterative rock.

When I'm writing it depends on the scene.

Jay Noel said...

My taste in music is similar. But I just can't do country. Twangy country. Taylor Swift is about as country as I get.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

OMG I love Eminem's duet with Rihanna!

Elise Fallson said...

I love all kinds of music, right now I'm rediscovering funk thanks to the A-Z challenge. I like music that makes me sake my shakemaker! :P I was into dubstep for a while, but that's starting to fade out a bit. Nice samples you have up there!!

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